
Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health challenges in the world, and – perhaps no surprise to you by now – the likelihood that you will be affected is impacted by both your genes and environment.

A surprising finding from our field has been that many of the same genes contribute to both depression and anxiety, meaning that people who have more genetic vulnerability are at heightened risk for both conditions. People who experience depression are more likely to also experience anxiety, and vice versa. 

Below are some of my go-to resources for understanding depression, anxiety, and the ways our genes and environments contribute to our risk.

To get trusted, scientifically-backed information, I always start with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website. The NIH funds all of my research, and most of the medical research in the United States. It’s your tax payer dollars hard at work to advance our health and well-being.

The National Institute of Mental Health has a wealth of information about understanding and treating depression and anxiety


Here are some great videos about depression:


What is depression?

I had a black dog, his name was depression
World Health Organization


How our genes & environments come together to impact risk for depression and anxiety:


How nature and nurture meet to influence risk for depression

Understanding how genes and environment come together to contribute to risk and resilience
BBC featuring Jehannine Austen


Also check out Beyond Blue for information and resources.



Dispositions aren’t destiny
, and the more you know, the better equipped you are to tackle the challenges in your life.